It has been said that the best investment one can make is in land; real estate. this is especially true now, when housing prices are at an all time low, and even more true if you are in a position to begin thinking about your retirement—and your retirement home. While some people are worriedly watching falling real estate prices, others are taking advantage of the housing dip and planning for their later years by purchasing the retirement home of their dreams.

The thought of making such a big purchase can be a frightening one when everyone else you know is hiding money under the mattress. But if done the right way, and with the right guidance, it can end up being the best move you’ll ever make for your retirement. Dan Kadlec of shares four steps to taking the leap and landing the best deal in his article Home Sweet Retirement Home.

Kadlec’s advice is just what the doctor ordered, especially his suggestion that you “drive a hard bargain.” As a culture of retail stores, where everything comes with a price tag, many of us have forgotten the fine art of bargaining. But Kadlec reminds us that this is a buyer’s market, and there’s nothing wrong with a little bit of haggling—especially if you’re the one with the upper hand. He also advises that you know what you can afford. Don’t let the spirit of bargaining carry you away. Know your limits and stick to them!

But perhaps Kadlec’s best advice is to “pick your sweet spot”. This is the place where you will be spending your golden years, where your grandchildren will come to visit, and where you’ll spend those lazy days of retirement sitting on the porch and watching the sun set. Don’t just pick any place because it’s a deal; pick the place you’ll be happy to wake up in every morning.