Advance Care Planning: Making Sure Your Loved One’s Wishes Are Honored

Q.  Our parents are up in years and have become increasingly frail. I know that they both have definite wishes about advance care planning and end-of-life decisions. Any suggestions on how we might help them make sure that their wishes are honored? A. Yes, I do.  The first step is to begin the conversation.  There… Read More »

Legal Steps After an Alzheimer’s Diagnosis

Q. My husband was just diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, but still seems to be generally okay. Are there legal steps we should take by way of planning for the future? Yes. Once you or loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, it is important to take action to get your affairs in order. Here is my… Read More »

Are You Missing Out on Benefits?

Q. Is there any resource on the Internet which has a compilation of benefit programs for seniors, all in one place and that’s easy to use? A. Yes! You may be unaware that seniors have access to hundreds of federal and state benefits programs that may assist them. Many retirees meet the requirements for these… Read More »

Should We Sell Mom’s Home To Pay For Her Care?

Q. Our mother is in assisted living and may need to go into a nursing home soon. To raise money for her ongoing care, we are thinking of selling her home which is now vacant. Any thoughts as to whether that makes sense? A. Well, here’s the thing: selling mom’s home may undermine her ability… Read More »

How the $1.9 Trillion ‘American Rescue Plan Act’ Will Help Seniors

Q, I know that Congress and President Biden recently approved a new law that adds significant money into improving vaccinations and other COVID-19 outreach, but I wonder what other provisions are in the new law that might help seniors. A. Good question. The AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT of 2021 (“ARPA”), R. 1319, was narrowly passed… Read More »

Defending Against Premature Nursing Home Discharges

Q.  My father was discharged from the hospital into a nursing home, has been there only about 2 weeks under MediCARE, and now they are pressing us to bring him home. But, he’s not ready and still needs care. Is this right? A.  No, it is not. Unfortunately, many nursing homes are concerned about whether… Read More »

Special Planning for an Incapacitated Spouse

Q. My wife suffers from dementia and has been in a nursing home for some time. About a year ago, we put everything in my name so she could qualify for a Medi-Cal subsidy to help pay for her care. We currently have only simple wills which leave everything to the survivor of us, and… Read More »

Medicare Relaxes Requirements for Nursing Home Coverage

Q. I hear that Medicare has announced that, due to the Corona Virus Pandemic, it will now be more generous in covering nursing home stays by relaxing some of its long-standing coverage requirements. Do you know anything about this? A. Yes. A bit of background may be helpful. Medicare has traditionally imposed three conditions as… Read More »