Portrait of A Caregiver: It May Be You!

If you are a Caucasian woman, aged 35 or older, possibly married, definitely working at least part-time—then there is a good chance that you are now or will soon be serving as a caregiver for an aging parent or relative; at least, this is according to the new report released by the National Alliance for… Read More »

Celebrity Gossip Can Save Your Estate!

Did you know that Jimi Hendrix’s estate took twenty years to finalize because he didn’t have a will? Have you heard about Heath Ledger’s two year old daughter who got nothing when he died because Ledger neglected to update his will after she was born? Can you imagine how difficult it would be to sit… Read More »

Talking About Elder Care

Do you know who will take care of you when you are too elderly to take care of yourself? According to the statistics your caregiver is likely to be a woman, and most likely to be your daughter or daughter-in-law. What this means is that unless you have a plan for your future long term… Read More »

How to Pick the Perfect Health Care Agent

Cicero said “In nothing do men more nearly approach the gods than in giving health to men,” a quote which underlines the important role of anyone involved in your health care, whether it be a doctor or an agent. A health care agent is the person who makes medical decisions for you if you are… Read More »

Going Beyond Legal Language with an Ethical Will

Estate and Legacy planning documents are often seen as difficult, and boring pieces of paper—which in some ways is exactly what they have to be in order to someday withstand tough legal scrutiny; but unless you’re an attorney who is practiced at reading the sentiment between the lines of dry legal jargon, these documents don’t… Read More »