Unusual Things Happen Every Day…

In a recent article in the Huffington Post financial columnist Don McNay tells the frustrating, sad, and “unusual” story of how the greater part of his mother’s and his sister’s estates ended up in the hands of people they would never have chosen to receive it… all because neither of them had a will or… Read More »

Don’t Disinherit Your Loved Ones By Mistake—Review Your Estate Plan Regularly

All of our readers know just how important—how essential—a will or trust is to protecting your family after you pass away. Leaving clear and tangible instructions can prevent family infighting as well as hurt or unsettled feelings; and leaving a legally airtight will can prevent wasted time and money in unnecessarily long probate proceedings.  But for… Read More »

The Estate Planning Post Every Woman Should Read

Although couples usually come into our office together to discuss their estate plans, quite often it’s the women who lead the discussion about planning for the guardianship of children, and the men who lead the discussion about financial planning. Estate planning is a subject which has a significant impact on women—in fact, this article in… Read More »

War Veterans May Be Unaware They Qualify For VA Aid and Attendance Benefits

One of the services Elder Law and Estate Planning attorneys often provide is helping clients navigate the application procedures and bureaucratic systems for the various state and federal medical insurance programs; and one thing that remains a surprise throughout the years is how many people forget about the VA Aid and Attendance Program for war… Read More »