Just Say No? Medical Marijuana in Nursing Homes

The legalization of marijuana is on the ballot in California this November, but California isn’t the only part of the country where marijuana is making news.  The use of marijuana for medical purposes is being debated around the nation—especially as concerns elderly patients in nursing homes which receive federal funding through Medicare or Medicaid. This… Read More »

What Is Probate?

With all the recent news about what will happen with estate taxes, the process of probate has come up quite a bit.  Sometimes probate is mentioned in a low-key, matter-of-fact kind of way; at other times it is presented as something scary, and to be avoided at all costs. We know our readers have seen… Read More »

Prepare Now for an Uncertain Future

There’s a useful saying that goes something like this: “Expect the best, but prepare for the worst.”  Never has that saying been as useful as it is right now in regards to asset protection and estate planning.  As Laura Lallos mentions in her article in the Morningstar Advisor, “Estate attorneys are trained to prepare for… Read More »

Executors and Agents: Choosing Your Own Replacement

When people think about estate planning they generally think about inheritance, or taxes, or even guardianship—but rarely are the words “executor” or “agent” the first ones that come to mind.  And yet, choosing your executor or your agent is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. Your executor is the person who carries… Read More »

Lapse in Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Makes Giving to Grandkids Easier Than Ever

Wealthy grandparents have a unique opportunity this year to give their grandchildren gifts of substantial value without incurring any generation skipping transfer tax. This is a huge savings opportunity!—so why aren’t more people taking advantage of it? Part of the reason may be lack of awareness. Everyone knows about the Bush administration’s year-long repeal of… Read More »