Joint Tenancy vs Tenancy in Common: What’s The Difference?

Q. My brothers and I plan to buy a home together, and wonder whether we should take title to the home as joint tenants or as tenants-in-common. Can you explain the difference? A. Sure. There are distinct differences between these forms of ownership. The principal differences pertain to the equality of ownership and the right… Read More »

The Tax Consequences of Selling a Home After the Death of a Spouse

Q.  My husband died last year, and I am now considering selling our home and relocating to be closer to our daughter.  I am concerned, however, about the potential tax consequences when I sell. Can you provide any information on this point? A. Yes.  The biggest concern when selling property is capital gains taxes.  A capital… Read More »

When a ‘Last Will’ Is Not Enough

Q. My wife and I were wondering whether we would need more than a Last Will for each of us to cover what happens upon death. Is a Will usually enough? A. Good question.  The simple answer is “No”. Usually more planning documents are necessary, or at least strongly advisable. While a Will is an… Read More »