New Tool To Protect Seniors From Financial Scams:  The ‘Trusted Contact Person’

Q.  My 91year old father has a substantial brokerage account and likes to manage it himself. Yet I worry that he could easily fall victim to financial scams. Is there anything I can do to protect him? A. Yes, there may be. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”), which regulates firms and professionals selling securities… Read More »

Making a Large Gift to a Caregiver Needs An Attorney’s Blessing

Q.  My wife and I have a wonderful caregiver who has enabled us to remain at home.  We would like to make a significant bequest to her in our wills.  Can we handle the bequest by just handwriting a codicil to each of our wills? A.  The simple answer is, no.  Here’s why: California lawmakers… Read More »