If It Sounds Too Good to Be True, It Probably Is

“We are pleased to inform you of the result of the Lottery Winners International programs… Your address attached to ticket number 2051146 won in the second category, you have therefore been approved to receive a sum of 1,000,000.00 Euro. Congratulations!!!” You probably recognize the paragraph above from a common mail/e-mail scam letter.  This letter (or… Read More »

Summer is a Time for Giving

Summer is a time for iced tea and watermelon, long days in the pool, vacations at the shore… and for many people summer is also a time to volunteer for your favorite charity. With school out and free time at a maximum the time is ripe to get to know your community—and contribute with a… Read More »

There’s No Place Like Home

The decision to place a loved one in a nursing home (or the decision to leave your own home and move to a nursing facility, if you are making the decision yourself) can be one of the most difficult and harrowing decisions we ever make.  Stories about disreputable facilities where seniors are neglected or abused… Read More »

Internet Tools to Improve Your Personal Finances

The realm of personal finance is in the midst of being revolutionized.  The crash on Wall Street has made many armchair investors mistrustful of professional financial advice, and many people are now taking the time to manage their own personal finances with the focus shifted from investing and earning to budgeting and saving. The problem… Read More »

The Best Gift for Aging Parents is… A Laptop?

Americans love our technology; cell phone, laptop, wi-fi, Kindle, iPod—all of these things keep us socially connected, culturally informed, and satisfy our growing need for instant gratification. But there is an assumption that this technological savvy and appreciation stops once you reach a certain age.  We expect teens, twenty and thirty-somethings, and baby-boomers to be… Read More »