Add Flexibility To Your Trust To Handle Change

Q.  My husband and I are concerned about how to keep our trust up to date in light of changing tax law and changing family circumstances.  What if we are too ill to make changes ourselves. Any thoughts on how we can handle these concerns?                                                 A. With the ever-changing tax landscape, and changes over time… Read More »

The Ethical Will: Putting Your Values on Paper

Q. In connection with creating our estate planning documents, my husband and I would like to leave our children and grandchildren something more than just our money and assets. We would like to leave them a sense of our values. A friend mentioned something to us about an “Ethical Will”. Do you have any thoughts… Read More »

Does Your Trust Need a Tuneup?

Q.  My wife and I had our Living Trust prepared back in the year 2008. I hear there have been changes in tax law since then which might affect us. Is it time to have our trust reviewed?  A.  You refer to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” (“TCJA”) signed by former President Trump on… Read More »

Senior Alert: Medi-Cal Eligibility Rules Are Changing For Those Over 65!

Q. I heard that the Medi-Cal rules to qualify for a long-term care subsidy are about to change. This would be very important to us, as my husband, now aged 85, will soon need care in a nursing home, and we are very concerned about the cost. Do you know anything about this? A. Yes,… Read More »

Understanding “Living Trusts “

Q. My wife and I don’t really understand what a “Living Trust” is and how it is different from a Will. Can you help us understand it? A. Yes. A “Living Trust”, is a legal document which (1) provides for asset management in the event of your incapacity, and (2) allows your assets to go… Read More »

Should We Sell Mom’s Home To Pay For Her Care?

Q. Our mother is in assisted living and may need to go into a nursing home soon. To raise money for her ongoing care, we are thinking of selling her home which is now vacant. Any thoughts as to whether that makes sense? A. Well, here’s the thing: selling mom’s home may undermine her ability… Read More »