New Medi-Cal Rules Make It Easier To Qualify for Financial Assistance

Q. My mother will need care in a Nursing Home, but the cost is beyond our reach. I understand that Medi-Cal can help subsidize that cost if she were eligible for that financial assistance. I also heard that there are new rules now in place that may make it easier for her to qualify. Can… Read More »

Free Tax Filing Help Is Available to Seniors

Q.  I hear that the IRS may offer free tax preparation services.  Do you know anything about this? A.  Yes. The IRS offers free tax preparation software, fillable forms, and free taxpayer assistance, all available in an effort to make tax compliance easier, especially for seniors, those with a disability and those whose primary language… Read More »

Consider Tax Savvy Year End Gifts to Family

Q.  Last year around this time, you wrote an article on year-end gift planning, but I cannot find the copy I saved. My wife and I are considering making large gifts to our two children to help them remodel their homes, and we would like to do so in a way that is “tax wise”…. Read More »

New CA Law Addresses Gap In Medical Decision-Making

Q,  My best friend of many years is in the hospital and is not able to tell her doctors her wishes regarding medical care. She has no close family members and–unfortunately– has not designated a Health Care Agent in writing, nor is she now capable of doing so. Is it possible for me, her long… Read More »