Don’t Be Shy About Your Health Care Decisions

How do you want to die? Do you want lifesaving treatments to be administered even if all brain activity has ceased? Is your family aware of your wishes? And perhaps the more important question, according to the NY Times, is your Doctor aware of your wishes? Included in the complete estate plan our firm provides… Read More »

The Woman’s Guide to Retirement

There is a joke about women and retirement in which a mother turns to her child and says something along the lines of “after all I’ve done for you; I expect you to keep me in the style to which I plan to become accustomed when I’m old.” The quip may well make you chuckle,… Read More »

Sibling Rivalry Goes Too Far

A disturbing case is underway set in Arizona, where a group of siblings are having a court battle over their mother’s estate… while she’s still alive! Family members fighting over inheritance is a sad situation, but not unusual. In fact, it probably happens more often than you think; which is why our firm works hard… Read More »

Advance Business Planning is the First Step to Success

Big corporations may be laying off employees in distressingly record numbers, but big corporations are not the only employers in the U.S.—as long as we have our small business community, all may not be lost. According to this article on Reader’s, small businesses are taking the economic downturn in stride, and in some cases… Read More »

The Financial Diet

Towards the beginning of the year most people make resolutions having to do with diet or finances—or both. But what if you combined the two and put yourself on a financial diet? This is exactly what Ron Lieber is suggesting in his February 6 article in the New York Times. As Lieber points out, because… Read More »

Do-It-Yourself Estate Planning? Don’t!

Is the budget too tight to pay for an expensive estate plan right now? Why not do it yourself? How hard could it be? Actually, it can be very hard—hard on your wallet when it costs you thousands of dollars to fix the mistakes in the plan you made; and especially hard on your heirs… Read More »

Putting off Your Estate Plan is a Grave Mistake

At a time when the economy is slow and money is tight, many people are looking to save money by cutting back on “unessential” expenses—including estate planning.  Although this instinct is understandable, the trend is a disturbing one.  Our firm understands the need to dig in during tough times, but what you may not realize… Read More »