Do You Need A Will Or A Trust?

When it comes to estate planning there are two major vehicles for the distribution of property: A will and a trust. Both are very useful tools and can accomplish specific goals—but how do you know which one is best for your family? Which document you will need depends on a number of factors, some of… Read More »

What To Do When Your Kids Don’t Like Your Will

In an ideal world elderly parents and their adult children always get along, and when those parents pass away their children quietly and respectfully follow their wishes regarding the distribution of their estate. Unfortunately, we don’t always live in an ideal world, and inheritance and estate planning can often cause tension between parents and children… Read More »

When Should I Update My Estate Plan?

You’re one of the smart ones: You already have an estate plan that you and your spouse created it back in 1996; it’s sitting snugly in a safety deposit box, gathering dust until the (hopefully) far-off day when it will be needed. You’re done, right? Wrong. Kudos to you if you’ve already created your estate… Read More »

The Most Important Part of Your Estate Plan

What is the most important component of an estate plan? This is a question that comes up a lot in our practice, and as you might guess, different families will have different answers.   The Trust: Many families feel that this is the heart of the estate plan, and as such the most important part. … Read More »

Choosing A Fiduciary: Some Special Thoughts

Choosing your fiduciaries can be one of the most difficult parts of creating your estate plan, especially choosing trustees for your trust, which, depending on the circumstances, you may hope will be in existence for quite a long time. Most people’s first instinct is to choose a family member, someone they know and trust, perhaps… Read More »