Q. One of our adult children has a disability and receives SSI and Medi-Cal. We are concerned that an inheritance may terminate his benefits. We have heard something about a Special Needs Trust. Can you tell us more about that? A. Sure. As you apparently know, your son cannot have more than $2,000 in savings… Read More »
Posts Tagged: Special Needs Trust
How a Special Needs Trust Can Help Your Child
You know how important it is to protect your family with an estate plan, but if you have a child with special needs then taking steps to protect them if something should happen to you is essential. Unfortunately, for families which include special needs children, knowing exactly the best way to protect your child(ren) isn’t… Read More »
Planning for the Future is Essential for Special Needs Families
If you have a special needs child, parent, or sibling then you know that planning for the future can be overwhelming under the best of circumstances; which is why so many parents and caretakers tend to live for today, while planning for tomorrow is always put off until… well, until tomorrow. But if planning and… Read More »
Helping the Special People in Your Life: The Special Needs Trust
Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles often come into our offices to make estate plans, and one of the questions they ask is how they can support the people in their lives who have special needs. Special needs can include anything from Autism or Down Syndrome to Paralysis or blindness, and everything in between. These special… Read More »
Special Needs Trust May Prolong Life of Beneficiary
Individuals with mental illnesses already have a number of unique challenges to face, and now Time Magazine tells us they have one more terrifying prospect, because, according to Time’s recent article by Kate Torgovnick “on average, people with severe mental illness die 25 years younger than the rest of the population.” There are many contributing… Read More »