Understanding Your Last Will and Testament

Although recent news surrounding the estate tax—both its repeal and its reinstatement—has died down, many people are still talking about their estate plans. Most people recognize that now is the time to create their estate plan, or to review and update their existing plan if they have one. This means that many people are asking… Read More »

What Is Probate?

With all the recent news about what will happen with estate taxes, the process of probate has come up quite a bit.  Sometimes probate is mentioned in a low-key, matter-of-fact kind of way; at other times it is presented as something scary, and to be avoided at all costs. We know our readers have seen… Read More »

Defining Probate

Probate: [from the Middle-English probat, from Latin probatum…] a : the action or process of proving before a competent judicial authority that a document offered for official recognition and registration as the last will and testament of a deceased person is genuine. b : the judicial determination of the validity of a will. This Merriam-Webster… Read More »

The Receiving End of Estate Planning

We publish a lot on this blog about preparing your estate plan: writing a will, setting up a trust, choosing beneficiaries and nominating guardians; but there is another side to estate planning, a fun side… the receiving end. You may assume that the receiving end of estate planning is the fun and easy part, but… Read More »