Consider A Pet Trust To Protect Your Furry Companions

According to a recent article on, there are some surprising new figures about American households and their pets. “In 2011, Americans spent a record $50.8 billion on pets, according to the American Pet Products Association. We share our homes with an estimated 86 million cats, 78 million dogs, 16 million birds and 160 million… Read More »

It’s a Dog’s Life

There seems to be some confusion nowadays about whether “a dog’s life” refers to a life of ease or toil, but for these wealthy canine heirs life is definitely the former! Whether it’s a wealthy eccentric leaving millions to a dear canine companion or whether it’s a lover of animals leaving a portion of their… Read More »

Part of the Family: Planning for Pets

Creating an estate plan often involves serious discussion with your advisors about tax planning, asset protection, and charitable giving; but it is important to remember that at its core, estate planning is about protecting your family—and as this article in the Wall Street Journal reminds us, for many people the word “family” also includes our… Read More »