Preserving Emotional Well-Being When Choosing a Long-Term Care Living Situation for Your Loved One

Choosing a long-term care living arrangement is one of the most difficult challenges faced by aging adults and their loved ones. Most families try to avoid the nursing home option to the very end, believing that assisted living or small residential care homes provide a better quality of life. But this may not necessarily be… Read More »

Do You Know This Person?

If you are a Caucasian woman, aged 50 or older, possibly married, very likely working full or part-time—then there is a good chance that you are also (or will soon be) serving as a caregiver for an aging parent or relative. At least this is what a recent report released by the National Alliance for… Read More »

War Veterans May Be Unaware They Qualify For VA Aid and Attendance Benefits

One of the services Elder Law and Estate Planning attorneys often provide is helping clients navigate the application procedures and bureaucratic systems for the various state and federal medical insurance programs; and one thing that remains a surprise throughout the years is how many people forget about the VA Aid and Attendance Program for war… Read More »

Preparing Boomers for the Finance Sandwich Squeeze

Baby-boomers are called the sandwich generation—and with good reason.  They were expecting to pay for their own retirement and their children’s college education; but now recession upon recession has toppled their elderly parents’ savings, and Boomers find that they are faced with the prospect of shouldering the financial burden of their parents’ final years as… Read More »

How to Find the Best Long-Term Care Policy

As the average life-span increases—and the cost of medical care along with it—more and more people are beginning to see the need for long-term care insurance.  Simply having a retirement plan isn’t enough anymore. Saving for retirement now means not only saving for your living expenses, it means preparing and saving for your health care… Read More »