Minnesota Health Care Dispute Raises Fears for Everyone

As estate planning attorneys we help our clients plan ahead. We help them create the documents and take the legal action they need to protect themselves and those they love. We help them talk through painful possibilities, and support them as they make difficult decisions.  We work to ensure that our clients and their families… Read More »

Taking Time for End-Of-Life Planning

Advance Health Care Directives (legal documents which include a nomination of your health care agent, and your preferences for end-of-life care) saw a lot of press in 2009 when the Obama administration sought to include end-of-life planning in the new healthcare overhaul.  The option was dropped after a media firestorm about “death panels,” but according… Read More »

Facing the BIG Picture

We frequently urge you here on our blog to create the documents necessary to protect yourself in case of emergency, and to ensure that your family and loved ones know your wishes for health care if you are ever unable to make those decisions yourself. But a recent article on MSNBC reminds us that creating… Read More »

How to Pick the Perfect Health Care Agent

Cicero said “In nothing do men more nearly approach the gods than in giving health to men,” a quote which underlines the important role of anyone involved in your health care, whether it be a doctor or an agent. A health care agent is the person who makes medical decisions for you if you are… Read More »