5 Missteps That Can Sabotage Your Estate Plan

When it comes to protecting your wealth and your family creating an estate plan is one of the most important things you can do.  An estate plan is your key to ensuring that your hard-earned assets are distributed (or saved or invested) as you designate. An estate plan is your family’s safety net.  Unfortunately, too… Read More »

Defining Probate

Probate: [from the Middle-English probat, from Latin probatum…] a : the action or process of proving before a competent judicial authority that a document offered for official recognition and registration as the last will and testament of a deceased person is genuine. b : the judicial determination of the validity of a will. This Merriam-Webster… Read More »

Going Beyond Legal Language with an Ethical Will

Estate and Legacy planning documents are often seen as difficult, and boring pieces of paper—which in some ways is exactly what they have to be in order to someday withstand tough legal scrutiny; but unless you’re an attorney who is practiced at reading the sentiment between the lines of dry legal jargon, these documents don’t… Read More »