Q. My wife and I have an adult son with a disability. He receives SSI and lives in our home and pays us a modest rent from his SSI benefit. We also help him with groceries. We report this to SSI. To date, our “assistance” to him has been deemed a subsidy by SSI, and… Read More »
Blog Posts Page 2
The Reading of the Will
Q. My brother-in-law just died, and I expected the entire family to be invited to a formal reading of his will. So far, nothing has been set up. Does that sound right? A. Actually, yes it does. You have probably seen a number of old movies where, after a person’s death, his next of kin… Read More »
What Is a Life Estate Deed & When Might I Use One?
Q. My primary asset is my home, which I purchased about 35 years ago and now own free and clear. I would like to leave it to my son, but in a way that avoids the fuss of a probate or trust administration when I die. Is there some way to do this? A. Yes,… Read More »
The Benefits of Probate: Homestead and Family Allowance
Q: My husband just passed away. He did not have a Will or Trust, and our home was his separate property from his prior marriage. His son is now anxious to sell the home in order to receive his inheritance share, but that would force me out of the home with nowhere to go. Do… Read More »
Can Beneficiaries Be Changed After Death?
Q. My mother just died, and her will leaves her estate equally to us three children. I am fairly well-off, but my two brothers are not quite as fortunate. Is there a way that I can redirect some or all of my share to them in a tax efficient way? A. The answer may very… Read More »
New Medi-Cal Rules Make It Easier To Qualify for Financial Assistance
Q. My mother will need care in a Nursing Home, but the cost is beyond our reach. I understand that Medi-Cal can help subsidize that cost if she were eligible for that financial assistance. I also heard that there are new rules now in place that may make it easier for her to qualify. Can… Read More »
Good News For Seniors With High Prescription Drug Costs
Q. My wife and I have high prescription drugs costs. I hear that there may be changes to the Medicare Drug program that may make them more affordable for us. Is that correct and can you provide any more information? A. Yes, indeed. As part of the Inflation Reduction Act (“IRA”) passed by Congress and… Read More »
Understand Medi-Cal Recovery and Avoid an Unpleasant Surprise
Q. Mother recently died after spending two years in a nursing home on Medi-Cal. Medi-Cal just sent us a bill for about $150,000 and says it will file a claim against her home. Yikes! We thought her home was an exempt asset. What do we do about the bill? A. Your situation is all too… Read More »
Free Tax Filing Help Is Available to Seniors
Q. I hear that the IRS may offer free tax preparation services. Do you know anything about this? A. Yes. The IRS offers free tax preparation software, fillable forms, and free taxpayer assistance, all available in an effort to make tax compliance easier, especially for seniors, those with a disability and those whose primary language… Read More »
What Happens To My Medicare Premium If I Sell My House
Q. I am in my 70’s and receiving Social Security and Medicare. I am considering selling my home and moving into a Senior Living facility. I heard that the sale might affect my Medicare premium and Social Security benefits. Can you shed any light on this? A. I believe so, and you heard correctly if… Read More »