Do you know who will take care of you when you are too elderly to take care of yourself? According to the statistics your caregiver is likely to be a woman, and most likely to be your daughter or daughter-in-law. What this means is that unless you have a plan for your future long term care, the financial burden of caring for you will fall to her and her family.

“Financial burden” refers not just to the expense of paying for food and medical costs, but to loss of income incurred over years of care-giving. “Women take time away from their careers to care for family members,” writes George I. Connolly, “and… lose an average of $659,130 over a lifetime in reduced salary and retirement benefits.”

Many people think that government programs will pick up what they can’t pay for themselves, but relying on government programs can leave your family footing just as much of the bill as they would without them. You may want to consider other alternatives as well, such as investing in long-term-care insurance and setting up a Long Term Care Estate Plan. If you aren’t sure about your options, or how to start planning for the future, call our office for help.

If you are a daughter of aging parents, now is the time to talk to your parents about the future. Studies show that you are the one who is likely to shoulder the responsibility of caring for them as they age. Doing so will affect your family, your career, your finances, and even your health.

The subject of aging and elder care is a difficult one, but not one to be left to the last minute. Talk to your family about your wishes and plans for the future, then bring your  Elder Law attorney into the discussion. Once you have an idea of your wishes, an expert can help you feel better about your options, and put you on the right path for keeping your family healthy, happy, and financially secure in the years to come.

For more information, contact The Law Offices of Osofsky & Osofsky

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