One of the services Elder Law and Estate Planning attorneys often provide is helping clients navigate the application procedures and bureaucratic systems for the various state and federal medical insurance programs; and one thing that remains a surprise throughout the years is how many people forget about the VA Aid and Attendance Program for war… Read More »
Posts Tagged: Health Care
New POLST Raises Awareness About End-Of-Life Decisions
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal shines the light on a new program being instituted by a growing number of states called “Physician-Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment,” or POLST. “A POLST, which is signed by both the patient and the doctor, spells out such choices as whether a patient wants to be on… Read More »
Long-Term Care; Be Prepared in an Area of Uncertain Options
It’s flu season again, and the strain going around this year has been a difficult one, mainly because of how long it keeps its victims out of commission. So the article we recently found on about Long-Term Care seems particularly timely and relevant, if only because this year’s flu could be seen as an… Read More »
Minnesota Health Care Dispute Raises Fears for Everyone
As estate planning attorneys we help our clients plan ahead. We help them create the documents and take the legal action they need to protect themselves and those they love. We help them talk through painful possibilities, and support them as they make difficult decisions. We work to ensure that our clients and their families… Read More »
Government Rescinds Medicare Coverage of End-Of-Life Planning
Apparently the suspicion surrounding end-of-life planning is not as far in the past as we might have hoped. The recent Medicare regulation which would have allowed the government to pay doctors who advise patients on options for end-of-life care was rescinded only days after it was enacted. Why such an abrupt turnaround? The reason is… Read More »
Estate Planning Through the Ages
Can you remember what you were doing in your early 20s? Can you imagine what kind of life you’ll be living in your 70s or 80s? We experience incredible changes as the decades roll by—not just to ourselves, but in the world at large. With our lives changing so much, our estate planning documents and… Read More »
A “Graying Trend” In Caregiving
What will you be doing when you’re 73? If you think you will have earned the right to have someone take care of you, think again; you may end up serving as a caregiver for someone else. A recent article in the New York Times describes a new trend in caregiving: the elderly are being… Read More »
One More BIG Reason to Have a Health Care Directive
Do you have a health care directive? If not, the Los Angeles Times has just given you one more reason to create one: Advance directives for end-of-life care result in preferred treatment. That’s right, according to the recent article; those people who have recorded their wishes for end-of-life treatment have their wishes followed by agents… Read More »
Will You Be Able To Afford Old Age?
Are you ready for the financial implications that come with growing older? As the average American lifespan grows longer the cost of aging becomes more and more prohibitive. A recent segment on NBC’s The Today Show takes a close look at long-term care and the price individuals and couples are required to pay as age… Read More »
What Does the New Healthcare Legislation Mean for YOU?
Everybody knows the latest big news: President Obama’s health care reform bill was finally approved by the senate—for better or worse—and although politicians may still be arguing the benefits and evils of the bill across party lines, most Americans are asking one simple question: What does this legislation mean for me? CNN Health attempts to… Read More »