“Too rich for most government-funded social programs and not rich enough to pay for full-time, long-term care services.”

Does this sound familiar? It is exactly the kind of financial situation most elderly find themselves in today, and one which requires many adult children who are still raising their own kids to also care for their parents. That is the situation in which Michelle Singletary, Washington Post staff writer, finds herself in today. In her W.P. article Prepare now for a future that might include caring for your elderly family, she describes the feelings of frustration, admiration, and obligation that come with caring for her elderly father-in-law.

Singletary writes movingly about the realities of caring for an aging relative, but what she seems most determined to convey is that it is never too early to start thinking about what your own parents’ future holds. “If you have even an inkling that you may become the caregiver for an aging parent or relative, start planning for it now. Ask questions about the person’s finances. Collect information from community and nonprofit organizations. Get your own finances in order because you’ll probably have to pitch in financially.”

Part of planning for your aging parent or relative is thinking about Medi-Cal (called “Medicaid” in most other states), Long-Term Care Insurance, and the best way to save and protect your assets. Many aging parents believe that they are “covered” if they have a Will or even a convential “Living Trust”.  Those legal documents may be fine for ‘death planning’, but may fall short for Long Term Care Planning.  Call our firm and let us help you—and help your aging parents.

For more information, contact The Law Offices of Osofsky & Osofsky

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