There seems to be a lot of fear around President Obama’s proposed healthcare reforms, most of that fear centering on the end-of-life planning included in the proposal. As a firm that deals with elder law issues, it is important to us that our clients be informed about their health care and choices. As we regularly counsel clients (elderly or not) about the wisdom of including end-of-life planning in their health care directive, we feel it’s in your (and our) best interest to clear up a few details about exactly what that planning entails.

One of the fears currently sweeping the nation is that the current administration’s healthcare reforms are about euthanasia; or denying someone lifesaving medical treatment simply because they are elderly. Republican Senator Johnny Isakson explains in this article in the Washington Post that this is simply not true. Rather, Senator Isakson explains, thinking about your end-of-life healthcare options, talking about them with your doctor and family, and including them in your health care directive is responsible. It is about controlling your own destiny in your final days; whether that means you choose to forgo invasive procedures, or want every heroic measure taken—the decision is yours. But there is no way for your family or your doctor to know what your wishes are unless you’ve had the conversation and specified those wishes in your written health care directive.

Our firm has no political agenda in creating this Blog. We know that there is certainly much debate to be had about the pros and cons of the proposed health care reforms, but as regards end-of-life decisions and health care directives, we hope we have been able to clear up some confusion and ease your mind. If you still have questions about what it means to have a health care directive please don’t hesitate to call our office.

For more information, contact The Law Offices of Osofsky & Osofsky

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