How to Increase the Chance that Your Power Of Attorney Will Be Honored

Q.  I have heard friends complain that their parent’s financial Power of Attorney document was not honored by their parent’s own bank. Is there a way to avoid this? A. Unfortunately, we hear that complaint from time to time. While there may be no way to draft a power of attorney that completely eliminate the… Read More »

Financial Tool To Protect Seniors From Financial Scams:  the ‘Trusted Contact Person’

Q.  My 90 year old father has a substantial brokerage account and likes to manage it himself.  Yet I worry that he could easily fall victim to financial scams.  Is there anything I can do to protect him? A.  Yes, there may be.  The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”), which regulates firms and professionals selling… Read More »

New Medi-Cal Rules Make It Easier To Qualify for Financial Assistance

Q. My mother will need care in a Nursing Home, but the cost is beyond our reach. I understand that Medi-Cal can help subsidize that cost if she were eligible for that financial assistance. I also heard that there are new rules now in place that may make it easier for her to qualify. Can… Read More »

Consider Tax Savvy Year End Gifts to Family

Q.  Last year around this time, you wrote an article on year-end gift planning, but I cannot find the copy I saved. My wife and I are considering making large gifts to our two children to help them remodel their homes, and we would like to do so in a way that is “tax wise”…. Read More »

Joint Tenancy vs Tenancy in Common: What’s The Difference?

Q. My brothers and I plan to buy a home together, and wonder whether we should take title to the home as joint tenants or as tenants-in-common. Can you explain the difference? A. Sure. There are distinct differences between these forms of ownership. The principal differences pertain to the equality of ownership and the right… Read More »